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If I was given a £1 for every time someone told me the following, I would have bought a Tesla S by now.

“But you’re living how people did in the olden days, why would you want that?”

That’s right.

A Tesla S, some antique glass jars and a whole load of houseplants.

If we think about Zero Waste in relation to the ‘olden’ days, it does go hand in hand.

Back then, people didn’t have the materials we had today. So instead they made multiple use of everything they could.

  • To save money
  • Plastic and convenience wasn’t a thing back then

What Did They Do About Hair Removal?

Forget waxing and expensive laser hair removal, a safety razor was all the rage.

Look I’ll be honest with you.

When I first received my safety razor I was petrified. It sat in my living room in the box for 2 weeks.

After I plucked up the courage to try it out, I was shaking with nerves to put it anywhere near my skin. In my head I was expecting a Sweeny Todd scene and to accept I should have probably updated my will.

Bloodloss Free And As Smooth As Can Be 

I’ve been successfully living fuzz free for 5 months, and purchasing a Saftey Razor was my most exciting Zero Waste purchase yet.

So, here’s what I want you to do:

Consider purchasing a safety razor.

Stop feeling guilty about your disposable razors contributing to landfill.

Trust me, watch my latest Youtube video and find out how to reuse your disposables and how to avoid any cuts for your first time shaving.

Even better?

Leave a comment on my Youtube video as a late birthday present to me.
My birthday was on the 27 December.